स्वास्थ्य सेवा अन्तर्गत रहेर बिरामी’को हेरचाह र उपचारमा नर्सले महत्त्व पूर्ण जिम्मेवारी बहन गर्ने हुँदा यस पेशाको माग दिन प्रति दिन बढ्दो छ।
गत बर्षहरुमा अष्ट्रेलियामा नर्सिङ्ग विषय सम्बन्धि अध्ययन गर्ने विद्यार्थीले स्वास्थ्य सेवाका उत्कृष्ट दश जागिरहरु मध्ये छ जागिर पाउन सफल भएका छन्।
नर्सिङ पेसामा आबद्ध व्यक्तिले अष्ट्रेलियामा औसत वार्षिक ८०,५०० अष्ट्रेलियन डलर आर्जन गर्न सक्छ। आउँदो पाँच वर्षमा नर्सिङ पेसाको माग अझै बढ्ने अनुमान गरिएको छ।
अष्ट्रेलियामा नर्सको योग्यता ,काम सम्बन्धि अनुभव साथै सम्बन्धित काममा विशेष दक्षता ( स्पेसलाइजेसन ) का आधारमा तलब तोकिएको हुन्छ।
यस्तो छ अष्ट्रेलियामा नर्सको औसत वार्षिक तलब :
1- Mental health nurses
In this specialization, they provide support to patients regarding anxiety issues and eating disorders. Their responsibilities also include managing patients’ records and encouraging them to go for therapeutic activities such as painting, sports, etc.
They work in hospitals and visit patients in their homes. Mental health nurses’ skills include excellent communication skills, as they have to build a relationship with patients in a manner to make them comfortable and have the potential to work as team members. The average salary of mental health nurses is $90,000 per year in Australia.
2- Surgical nurses
They work in operation theatres, provide help in laboratory services, and coordinate in the pharmacology, pathology, and radiology departments. Surgical nurses ensure patients’ health conditions to make patients ready medically one day before the surgery by taking instructions from physiotherapists or physicians.
They also help in sterilizing surgical pieces of equipment. People applying for this specialization should be physically fit and demanding. The average salary of surgical nurses is around $71,148 per year in Australia.
3- Aged care nurses
Enrolled nurses in the aged care specialization provide help in domestic care, which includes patients’ personal duties like cleaning, bathing, taking care of food, and other things patients require. The average salary of aged care nurses is around $56,520 per year in Australia.
4- Oncology nurses
Oncology nurses are one of the most important specializations of enrolled nurses which has much demand in Australia and New Zealand. They deal with patients having cancer or symptoms related to it. They help in patients’ assessment of the disease and educate them and their families accordingly.
Oncology nurses’ responsibilities include collaboration with physicians and other healthcare members in order to assist patients’ health conditions. They motivate the patients throughout their cancer treatment journey. Oncology nurses can become clinical nurse specialists after gaining work experience. The average salary of oncology nurses is $89,230 per year in Australia.
5- Rehabilitation nurses
Rehabilitation nurses take care of patients that undergo a transplant of any organ or go through any kind of injury. They make patients’ daily plans after the treatment. They also deal with the counseling of patients and their families. The average salary of rehab nurses is $48,500 per year in Australia.
1- Consultant Nurse – $118,839
2 Nurse Consultant- $118,839
3- Nurse Manager- $116,124
4- Clinical Nurse Specialist :- $104,803
5- Clinical Nurse- $102,708
6- Case Manager- $88,336
7- Registered Health Nurse – $81,344
8- Registered Nurse- $80,506
9 -RN – $80,460
10- DON- $63,707